Monday, July 21, 2008

2565 bottles of beer on the wall ...

It's official: Granada is the city in Spain with the most bars per capita. Or, should I say, the fewest capitae per bar. There is one bar for every 92 inhabitants and a hair more than 237,000 inhabitants. 2565 bars!

The average number of people per bar in Spain on the whole is just 129, though, which seems shockingly low.

Anyhow, doing some pretty simple math, it becomes evident to even the most casual of observers that, without a liver of steel and 24 open bar hours in a day, trying every bar even once, let alone trying each one enough to have any sort of useful feedback on the quality, quantity, and consistency of the tapas would be impossible.

Presuming the visit of one new bar per day, it would still take more than seven years to go to each bar in Granada. Once! And that's presuming no turnover in ownership, bar closures, or bar openings. In a word: impossible.

And so I ask you, gentle reader, to please send me any suggestions for bars to review, particularly beyond the neighborhoods in the dead center of town (La Chana and Zaidin are places I don't really go for tapas, but I'm willing.)

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